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Artist Statement

As an artist I consider myself to be an eclectic, as I do not wholly align myself with any one discipline, although my undergraduate degree was in Animation, and I have strong digital literacy skills,  my passion remains to be traditional over digital artwork, but I see great merit in both. I particularly enjoy Print and Painting, but I have experimented with a large range of mediums.

I resonate with the work and words of Anatasia Trusova, “Art is not just a mere decoration. It is a powerful tool that can transform spaces, evoke emotions, and tell stories” (Trusova, 2023). Her bold use of colour and texture, evokes a strong mood in each of her pieces. The emphasis she puts on art containing a narrative aligns with my own work, I feel that not only am I am artist but a storyteller.
I often use narrative as a basis to my work, personally I often lean into apocalyptic stories, with an emphasis on survival and regrowth, I also explore themes surrounding mental health in my work.

Trusova, A. (2023) Anastasia Trusova. Available at: [accessed 13th May 2024]

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